Thursday, March 4, 2010

Thursday Haze

I worked out twice yesterday, doing Jillian Michaels' new DVD at lunch and a kickboxing class at LA Fitness after work and before class. I need to try level 2 of Jillian's DVD before I totally wrote it off, but not too happy with it so far. I feel like it is destined for the "I only ran a 5k today so I may as well cool down with a half hour of Jillian's yoga". Sad, considering that woman elevates my heart rate like no one else can.

So today I am sore as can be, have no motivation to do anything, am seriously contemplating reheating the leftover Chinese food when I get home and calling it dinner, and am already looking forward to going to bed. I think instead, I will force myself to go to the gym for an hour long elliptical session, cook up some chicken breasts, reheat the butternut squash risotto I made the other night, sautee some spinach, pour myself a glass of wine and call it a day. Wishful thinking perhaps.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Made it out for a long run yesterday. It's amazing how antsy I was not having run since Tuesday. I am enjoying that feeling. I have been exhausted lately (need to start taking my iron pills again..) and convinced the husband to go to bed with me very very early on Friday night. He fell asleep, and I was wide awake. Damnit. So I get up and debate between a glass of port and Crime 360 or planning out my run tomorrow. I map out 5 miles and laugh at myself. My lack of sleep is getting to me. I post about it on Twitter and Facebook to hold myself accountable and stare at the wall for a few more hours until I am tired enough to go to bed. Yes I know, I should have been studying or doing something productive. Bite me.

The point to the story is I completed 5 miles for the first time...oh ever yesterday. The run felt great, the weather was nice, and overall I was very very very happy. Details of the run here.

I've also picked up a book called Grow Great Grub: Organic Food From Small Spaces which has inspired me to plant seeds this year instead of just buying seedlings and trying not to kill them. So far I've planted a lettuce mix, spinach, and chives and my lettuce mix is already starting to germinate. Squee! I am way too easily entertained lately.

Back to studying for my midterm on Monday...procrastination has become my middle name.